Title: Departmental Workshop on BLS( CPR and Artificial Respiration) at Hayat Unani Medical College and Research Center

Content: A departemental workshop was organised on Saturday at Hayat Unani Medical College and Research Center under the guidance of Prof. Syed Mohd Irfan (HOD of physiology department). The event highlighted Basic Life support that included CPR and Artificial Respiration and major pros and cons about it. The event was organised by the students of BUMS 1 prof ( Batch-2023) students that include Huda Rasheed, Abbas Mushtaq, Mohd. Adil, Mohd. Ali Shahid, Mohd. Atif, Anamta Rana, Sana Islam and Mohd. Faisal had made a great contribution under the guidance of Prof. Syed Mohd. Irfan. The event was summarised with the help of presentation, skit as well as live demonstration.
Lastly the Director of the college Mohd. Arif and the Principal Prof. Azma Qureishi presented their views about the topic and the program through a detailed speech.The program was concluded with a felicitation ceremony of the participants. The event was covered in several newspapers on the next day.
The media coverage included following newspaper:
Waheed Bharat Times
Jansandesh Times
Navsatta Times
The sword of India
Lucknow ka Abhi man
The Gram Today
Vishwa Vijeta Times
Desh ki Roshni
Makami Khabre