Today, on the date 18-11-2021, on Thursday, the place Panchayat house was completed in Salempur Amethia Kakori Lucknow. In which the total number of patients was 81. Dr. Afsar Hussain Khan, Dr. Mantasha
Bint Siraj and Dr. Akmal were present and examined the patients and treated them smoothly. Distribution of free Unani medicines to the patients was done by Mr. Ali Mohd Zaidi, in addition to this; he contributed fully under the supervision of Arvind Kumar in the camp.
Apart from this, the gardener Ram shankar and the bus driver also gave their full cooperation. At the camp site, Pradhan Ji made his contribution by appearing and while inspecting, got information about the camp from all the doctors. and agreed to your satisfaction. BUMS student gave his support and gained experience in treatment and treatment by staying with the doctor. The total number of BUMS students was 52 .