Breast feeding week is observed every year by world Alliance for breast Feeding Action (WABA) to mark it importance and need. The week end celebration was observed on 7th .08.2019 at HUMC&RC, organised by department of Atfal. Dr. Tooba Fahad Assistant Professor in the D/O Atfal delivered an extensive lecture on Breast feeding and its importance with power point presentation. The programme conducted by Dr. Samreen Khan and vote of thaks given by Dr. Zahid Kamal. The lecture enclosed the need of exclusive breast feeding for child development, growth and its role in prevention of health. All the teaching, non teaching faculty members, students of all Profs were attended this educational session.

1st-7th August Breast Feeding Week
Breast feeding week is observed every year by world Alliance for breast Feeding Action (WABA) to mark it importance and need. The week end celebration was observed on 7th .08.2019 at HUMC&RC, organised by department of Atfal. Dr. Tooba Fahad Assistant Professor in the D/O Atfal delivered an extensive lecture on Breast feeding and its importance with power point presentation. The programme conducted by Dr. Samreen Khan and vote of thaks given by Dr. Zahid Kamal. The lecture enclosed the need of exclusive breast feeding for child development, growth and its role in prevention of health. All the teaching, non teaching faculty members, students of all Profs were attended this educational session.